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Trying to introduce some changes in your life in order to be more eco-friendly is not as complicated as it seems. It’s all about making small adjustments and building some new habits. These useful ideas may help you change some of your habits for the better so that you can lead a more eco-friendly life.
Reduce your chemical cleaners
One of the best ways to lead a more eco-friendly life is to swap out your cleaning chemicals for the green and organic ones. They are as efficient as the chemical ones, but they are much safer for the planet. Plus, you can always opt for buying the ones that come in recyclable containers.
Forego Meat Once Per Week
Another simple, yet very effective change you can make is to abstain from meat consumption at least once a week. It can make a big impact. Meat production requires a lot of chemicals, water, and tons of land, all of which have a negative influence on the environment. Going meatless for one day will help cut down on the resources that are used to produce meat. You can look up some delicious vegan recipes online and try out different dishes every week. Also, for those days when you do eat meat, consider choosing sustainably raised meats that are raised organically.
Donate Your Unwanted Items
If you have a bunch of clutter in your home that you don’t know what to do with, now’s the time to start donating. This way, you will be getting rid of unwanted items the greenway, while also helping those in need. Consider donating items such as clothing, shoes, food, and household items, and so on.
Use Reusable Plates, Cups, and Flatware
Even though disposable dinnerware may seem convenient, it leaves a huge amount of waste behind. You can easily eliminate this waste simply by using reusable dishes for your meals.
Start Recycling
Another great way to lead a more eco-friendly life is to start recycling. Buy one separate bin for your home that will be dedicated for recyclable materials such as plastics, glass, paper, etc. Also, check your city’s government website to find out what recycling services and resources are available in your area.
Ditch Disposable Water Bottles
Stop using disposable water bottles. Not only are they bad for the environment, but they are also a huge expense on your wallet. Opt for investing in high-quality glass water bottles or buy the longer-lasting plastic water bottles instead.
Cut Down On Energy in Your Home
The next thing you can do is cut back on energy and there are many ways for you to do so. This is a win-win situation for both your wallet and the environment. For instance, you can start by lowering your thermostat in the winter and raising it in the summer. Make sure you are unplugging appliances when they’re not being used. The washing machine can use a lot of energy since about 85% of the energy used to machine-washed clothes goes to heating the water. That is why it’s commonly recommended to wash all possible clothes on cold. Also making sure that your washing machine has high-quality parts that will last you a long time will make sure that you don’t have to change them too often and leave waste behind. Also, fixing something when it’s broken instead of throwing it away is highly recommended – investing in lg washing machine parts is one of the most efficient ways to make sure you are saving money while also saving the planet.
Only Buy What You Need
Another great way to save money and help the environment is to plan your meals ahead, make a shopping list first and make sure you are buying only what you need. Also, make a commitment to consume the food you buy within one week. This way you will make sure you are not throwing your money in the trash.
Try Carpooling
A very efficient way to cut down on carbon emission and gas costs is to try out the carpooling. If you have a colleague that lives nearby, why not share a ride together? Carpooling is one of the best ways to go green while also spending some extra time with your friends from work. You can also start a carpool for your kids’ school commute, or share a car with your neighbours when you’re going to the grocery store once a week.
Go Paperless
Lastly, you can go paperless and make a huge change. For instance, bills that you get in the mail create so much clutter and waste that is bad for the environment. Instead, opt for online billing. That way you will be cutting down on paper waste and you will also save a stamp or two in the process.
In conclusion, you don’t have to make drastic changes to lead a more eco-friendly life. Building up habits such as turning the light off after leaving the room or driving to your work with colleagues can make a big change. Plus it will save you a lot of money in the long run.