The Staten Island Ferry is the last of the operating ferries in New York. It used to transport people between Manhattan and the boroughs surrounding it long before the time when bridges were first introduced. Staten Island’s Northern shores had scattering piers and varying ferry companies – which were in competition with each other to secure a place in the busy waters of this place.
At present times, this very same island provides ferry service to almost over twenty million people yearly. According to some sources, they carry about seventy thousand passengers every day between Staten Island’s St. George and Manhattan’s Whitewall Street. The one responsible for the maintenance of this vessel is the New York City Department of Transportation, along with many other facilities as well.
What To Do At The Island?
There are various things to indulge in while on Staten Island. Here is a list of things and activities that you can partake in a while being there:
- You can do some good ol’ shopping.
- You can ride a ferry back to Manhattan.
- The island provides the statue of liberty view point, which you can enjoy.
- There’s a lot of sightseeing to do in this place and beautiful sunsets to enjoy.
Times At Which It Operates
The Staten Island Ferry operates twenty-four hours a day and all days a week. As listed on its official website, the ferry provides frequent service (every fifteen or twenty minutes) on weekdays during the wee hours of the morning from six in the morning till nine-thirty in the morning and also from three-thirty in the afternoon till eight in the evening.
On Saturdays and Sundays, they provide their ferry service every thirty minutes. You can definitely go and check out their official website for more information on the same.
The Cost Of The Ferry Service
There is no charge at all for this ferry service. The Staten Island Ferry is a completely free service that New York City provides. So, if you come across anyone who is trying to sell tickets, then beware of them as they are likely a scammer trying to loot off of a tourist, otherwise, the locals of the area know about the ferry service is free of cost.
Places It Travels To
The Staten Island Ferry travels to and fro between the St. George Ferry Terminal (which is in Staten Island) to the Ferry Terminal Of Whitehall (also sometimes referred to as South Ferry) in Manhattan.
- Can I stay on the Ferry for a round trip?
A: That is not allowed. All the passengers must get down from the ferry after it completes every trip and re-board the ferry again after getting in line at the waiting room.
- Is it allowed to bring vehicles on board the ferry?
A: It is certainly not allowed to vehicles on board the ferry.
- Are there any food and liquor amenities provided on the ferry?
A: There are indeed such services provided on the boat. There’s also beer that is sold on the boat but not liquor. The food services are open whenever the boat is running (and that just means it is open 24/7)!
- Are the ferries and boats accessible for people who have disabilities?
A: Yes, they are. The boats and terminals are all in accordance and compliance with the disabilities’ accessibility requirements as stated under the act of Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
- Are skateboarding and rollerblading allowed in the ferry terminals?
A: That is definitely not allowed, and all for the passengers’ safety only. To ensure the safety of passengers on board, all of the skateboards, roller blades, and other non-motorized scooters are to be walked through the boats and terminals.
- Is videotaping allowed once aboard the ferry?
A: That is a definite yes. If it is for personal use that you want to videotape, then that is allowed on the ferry. On the other hand, if it is for commercial purposes, then a permit must be issued. In simpler words, you can only videotape for commercial purposes if you get the permit or else not.
- Is it allowed for people to distribute fliers for commercial purposes on the ferry?
A: Distribution of any materials while on board the ferry is strictly prohibited. You can do so if you get the permit which is DOT issued.
To Wrap It Up!
Be it for whatever purpose you are traveling there – Corporate Travel, Leisure, or for whatever it may be, now you know that there is indeed no extra charge needed for using this service.
Thank you for reading up till here! I hope you found the information useful. Let me know in the comments your thoughts on the same.